ITSB Journals

Jurnal Institut Teknologi Sains Bandung, atau disebut ITSB Journals didirikan pada tahun 2016 terdiri dari beberapa penerbitan dimana terbit awal yaitu Jurnal Planner Insight yang diinisiasi oleh Program Studi Perencanana Wilayah dan Kota. Saat ini ITSB Journals terdiri dari 3 (tiga) penerbitan yaitu Jurnal Planner Insight, Journal of Applied Science (JAPPS), dan Jurnal Vokasi Teknologi Industri (JVTI)


Journal of Applied Science (JAPPS) is a collection of scientific articles relating to the field of applied science which includes engineering and design. This journal discusses the scientific development of engineering in the fields of civil engineering, mining engineering, metallurgical and material engineering, petroleum engineering, and engineering in other fields. In addition, it also contains scientific articles in the field of planning such as urban and regional planning and Architecture which is balanced with design in the fields of Product and Interior Design. In the process, this journal involves the reviewer with a minimum doctoral qualification from domestic and foreign universities affilitations. In addition, it also involves observers from industry and the government with appropriate qualifications in the field of review. JAPPS will be published twice a year, in February and August with different topics for each volume. In its future development, JAPPS will be published in two versions: Indonesian and English. Copyright © 2019 JAPPS

e-ISSN : 2656-7334

p-ISSN : 2656-7288

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JVTI: Jurnal Vokasi Teknologi Industriis a double blind peer reviewed journal for Industrial Technology, Vocational, Education and Training (VET) related research. This journal provides a full open access to all content to support further development of Vocational Education and Training in Indonesia.

Publication frequency : bi-annually, every April and October. Manuscript submissions are welcome throughout the year.

p-ISSN : 2656-6664

e-ISSN : 2686-3545

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Planner Insight : Urban and Regional Planning Journal ini adalah terbitan jurnal yang menyediakan publikasi hasil penelitian ilmiah dalam bidang perencanaan khususnya dalam bidang perencanaan wilayah dan kota, dimana dalam penerbitan jurnal ini memiliki sub bidang penelitian antara lain dalam bidang perencanaan kota, perencanaan wilayah, perencanaan transportasi, perencanaan infrastruktur, perencanaan pariwisata, arsitektur, dan desain Jurnal Planners insight ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi perencana dalam menggali dan mengembangkan ilmunya terutama dalam kegiatan penelitian ilmiah.

e-ISSN : 2714-8335

p-ISSN : 2615-7055

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Jurnal Pakarti Abhinaya adalah jurnal nasional yang berisi hasil-hasil kegiatan pengabdian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat berupa penerapan berbagai bidang ilmu.

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